(Mature Size: 15"T x 30"W)
- Elegant and perfect, that's my description!
- Ruffled blue leaves are held on bright purple petioles.
- The backsides of the leaves are white and are evident due to the sightly upright habit and ruffled leaves.
- The leaves seem to wiggle in all directions and form a beautiful clump that will find a home in my home garden.
- Lavender flowers on purple scapes in late summer.
Why Should I Grow It? Beautiful ruffled blue leaves on red petioles.
(D. Wols NR)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
[H. 'Marilyn Monroe' x (H. 'Neptune' x H. 'Smoke Signals')]
Color: Blue
Size: 15 inches tall by 30 inches wide
Type: New Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container